My Contribution Towards ScholarX

Gimhan Wijayawardana
3 min readMay 9, 2021


Hello everyone! Recently I’ve been working on a project called “ScholarX”. ScholarX is one of the major annual programs organized by the Sustainable Education Foundation(SEF). It is a 6-month program for Sri-Lankan undergraduates who would like to get free premium mentoring during their study period.

Selected undergraduates will gain access to mentoring from some of the foremost experts and outstanding talent from around the world in both Industry and Academia. This also helps connect Sri Lankans across the globe and creates a platform that allows those living abroad to contribute directly to students and the Sri Lankan education system.

This entire process of recruiting mentors/mentees, connecting them and many more was handled manually. So as the Dev team of SEF, we had to come up with a solution to make this entire process automated.

This was my first time building an industrial application from scratch. First, we discussed the pros and cons of some technologies, and then we came up to use the following solutions.
* Backend - SpringBoot
* Frontend- React
* Database Management - MySQL
* User Authentication- LinkedIn

My first task for this project was to create a class diagram of it. I wrote a separate blog for how to get started on drawing class diagrams. Here’s a little preview of what I did.

After creating the class diagram, I was assigned to create the model layer of the ScholarX backend. It had to go through a whole new learning curve in order to do that. Anyway after finishing that I fixed some minor bugs and that was my contribution towards the ScholarX backend. Here is a link to view my contributions.

Moving on to the frontend contribution, I was assigned to create few interfaces, handle some states, and fix few minor bugs. I’ll show a gif of how I managed the view of mentees of a mentor, and here’s a link to my contribution towards ScholarX frontend

Overall this was a huge project for us(Dev team) and as a team, all of us worked really hard in order to accomplish the MVP of the ScholarX project. We had really good guidance from senior members of SEF and it was a whole new experience for me to work with them.

Finally, on my journey of ScholarX, I got the chance to learn about SpringBoot, JPA, React, and even Heroku for some deployment purposes.

To wind up the blog, I genuinely hope that this application will help students and mentors to make their lives easier. Thank you all for reading and see you soon!

